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Online Courses

Lasertherapie / Photobiomodulation Veterinär - Basiskurs

German language course

Price incl. VAT: 290,00 €

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Included: 6 Blöcke, 2 Skripte
Level: Alle Level
Course type: Onlinekurs permanent
Duration: 12 h
Verification: Kurszertifikat

Price incl. VAT: 290,00 €

Der Einsteigerkurs mit Eisbrechergarantie

Wir möchten bei der Anwendung photobiologischer Techniken in der Veterinärmedizin selbständig sein und uns mit dem, was wir tun, sicher fühlen. Aber Licht kann man nicht schmecken, riechen, schlucken und - wie bei der Lasertherapie - oft nicht einmal sehen. Wie können wir die Photomedizin "greifbar" machen, um sie gewissenhaft anzuwenden?

Dieser Kurs ist Teil der Ausbildung "Laser-Phototherapie in der Veterinärmedizin". Sie können den Kurs so wie alle anderen Teilkurse der Ausbildung einzeln buchen. Wenn Sie alle Teilkurse der Ausbildung absolviert haben können Sie eine Prüfung machen und bekommen eine Zertifizierung. Die Ausbildung können Sie auch als Gesamtpaket mit allen Kursen buchen.

Inhalt des Kurses

  • Photobiologische Techniken und die Medizin der Zukunft
  • Molekulare und zelluläre Mechanismen
  • Faustregeln zur therapeutischen Dosierung von Licht
  • Welcher Laser ist der beste?
  • Das Anwendungspotenzial in der Veterinärmedizin
  • Anwendungsansätze (lokale, systemische und zentrale Lasertherapie, Laserakupunktur, Frequenzmodulation) und Anwendungstechniken
  • Grundbehandlungen
  • Bewährte Behandlungsprotokolle
  • Mit der Praxis beginnen...


Anja Füchtenbusch


Tierarzt, Tierheilpraktiker, Tier-Physiotherapeut, Tier-Osteopath (andere auf Anfrage)


Ca. 12 Stunden Onlinevideos. Die Kursvideos können jederzeit abgerufen werden.
2 PDF-Skripte zum Download.
Die Kursvideos und -materialien stehen Ihnen ohne zeitliche Beschränkung zur Verfügung.


Für die Teilnahme an einem Einzelkurs erhalten Sie eine Teilnahmebescheinigung.


Hello dear Colll team, Thank you for the great course.
It was very comprehensive and informative. I have a good feeling that I can start the treatment with a clear conscience! I will continue my training with you.
Thank you very much

Lisa K., Veterinary practitioner

The course was extremely informative and very helpful. This knowledge definitely gives me a good start in the treatment and makes me feel good. Thank you very much.

Martina F., Veterinary practitioner

Hello dear team!
I really liked the basic course and I'm looking forward to the other courses :-)
I think it's great that you can work through it at your own pace and thus also have the opportunity at any time to review things you didn't understand.

Julia B., Veterinary practitioner

Super, thank you very much for this great basic course!
I am very excited to see how it continues. The possibilities seem almost endless, there is still so much to learn, I love that. The knowledge is very well explained in theory and practice and can be implemented immediately.
Best regards,

Marisa K., Animal physiotherapist

A very exciting introduction to the topic of PBM and absolutely conclusive explanations of the effect and application of the laser. I am looking forward to more in order to be able to use the whole thing even more intensively and purposefully.
Thanks for the first course and the first applications are already great.

Sandra V., Veterinary practitioner

Hello dear COLLL team,
I really liked the course and I now feel very well supported in being able to choose how I can optimally accompany an animal on the path to healing with the laser.
I was able to observe the first successes in my own animals within just a few days and I can no longer imagine ever excluding the laser from my considerations regarding animal health. I am very happy to have the Coll® at my side on this journey.
Best regards

Rita R., Veterinary practitioner

Dear Colll Team,
The basic course with its wealth of information is a very interesting introduction to photo-biomodulation. I also found the explanations of the scientific background exciting.
I was totally fascinated by the lasering with hyaluronic acid, which I didn't know anything about before!
I'm already looking forward to the next part of the training :-)

Manuela B., Veterinary practitioner

Dear COLLL team,
I only just started lasing about three weeks ago and decided to do the whole training program. This will probably be a bit difficult with my many late and night shifts, but I'll manage.
I thought the course was great, but I still have to look at some things again. I'm completely fascinated!

Jessica G., Veterinary practitioner

The course was very well structured, comprehensive and, by the end of all the modules, all questions had been answered.
This gives you a very good knowledge!
Thank you very much!

Petra T.,

I have been working with laser technology for some time as part of a mobile TCVM driving practice for horses and dogs. I started with laser acupuncture and have also been using the MKW laser shower with its frequencies for some time. Despite these experiences, it was very important and good to get back to basics. You forget a lot over the course of time, it makes sense to reflect on your work and to keep picking up new ideas. This course was absolutely helpful and valuable for me. Now I'm going to take some of these things on board, put them into practice and then stick with it and book another course unit.

Ute C., Veterinary practitioner

Dear team, the course is extremely well organised and very instructive. It has given me a lot of new input and expanded the scope of my treatment.

Sabine H., Veterinary practitioner

Good morning, dear COLLL team,
I really enjoyed the basic course. Very informative and interesting. The laser I ordered will be delivered to me this afternoon and then I can start.... I'm looking forward to seeing the results on people and animals.

Sandra S., Veterinary practitioners